영어회화 매일 10문장 외우기 Day2

Day 2

1.  I would like to make a reservation for tonight. (오늘 저녁 예약하고 싶습니다.)
2.  How much does this cost? (이거 얼마인가요?)
3.  Could you give me some directions? (길 안내 좀 해주시겠어요?)
4.  I’m not sure about that. (그것에 대해 잘 모르겠어요.)
5.  What’s the weather like today? (오늘 날씨가 어떤가요?)
6.  I need to catch a flight in the morning. (아침에 비행기를 타야 해요.)
7.  Let’s keep in touch. (연락하고 지내요.)
8.  How long have you been living here? (여기 얼마나 사셨어요?)
9.  I’d like to order something to eat. (음식 좀 주문하고 싶어요.)
10. Can you show me how to use this? (이거 어떻게 사용하는지 보여주시겠어요?)

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